Our Bishop

Rev. Mark Brown & his wife Jordan have been married for 17 years. They are blessed with three children. Noah Jackson, Grace Nichole, & Eden Michal. They attended Indiana Bible College in Indianapolis, IN from 2002-to 2006. While there the Lord spoke to them about moving out to South Dakota to preach the gospel and impact lives. After much time and prayer, they moved to
Watertown in 2006 and relaunched a church work.
The Jesus Church has experienced incredible revival and growth over its 15-year pastorate making a difference in the Watertown community.
Early in 2021, the Lord gave Pastor Mark a burden and vision to reach the rural towns of South Dakota. In November The Jesus Church elected Jared Kemmis as the new Pastor and Mark Brown as Bishop.
Mark and Jordan currently base out of Watertown as they travel through towns in South Dakota praying for a rural revival and planting new churches in the Next Town beginning with prayer and Bible study groups
Next Town Ministries
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